The Relations between the Viziers and Emirs during the Timurid Period (A Case Study of the Relation of Qiyāth al-Dīn Pīr Aḥmad Khwāfī to the Timurid Emirs and Viziers)

Document Type : Research Article



In the Timurid period, the emirs were mostly Turkish-Mongol and the viziers were Iranian. The non-distinction between the civil and military affairs and the power and authority of the emirs and the attempts of the Iranian bureaucrats in maintaining their own
interests, had prepared the ground for the permanent conflict and competition between them. The long vizierate period of Khawja Qiyāth al-Dīn Pīr Aḥmad Khwāfī (d. 858/1454), one of the famous viziers of Shāhrukh Timurid, who was able to maintain his position against the emirs, is of high importance in the Timurid history. In this article, the relations between the institution of vizierate and emirate is studied, with an emphasis on the vizierate of Khawja Qiyāth al-Dīn Pīr Aḥmad,
