The Semantics of Colors Throughout the Social-Political Movements of Umayyad and Abbāsīd Periods

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor, Deparment of Islamic Studies, School of Medicine, Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences

2 PhD student of Islamic philosophy and wisdom, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Member of the Faculty of Medicine, Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences


Throughout history, colors have always communicated various messages and emotions. This communication was crucially important in the political and social scene at a time when media was not available in its modern sense. Additionally, the suppression and dictatorship imposed by the government led activist groups to use colors as their symbols. Therefore, a detailed observation of colors and their meanings can help the historian in better understanding past events.
The present study uses first-hand library resources in order to explore the meaning of colors through political movements during Umayyad and Abbāsīd periods. It is concluded th at colors were extensively used with the purpose of communicating messages like political agreement or disagreement, announcing political identity and togetherness, and also promoting the goals of new political strategies.


Main Subjects

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