Environmental factors affecting the structural changes in modern Iranian painting (1978-2011)

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD student in Art Research, Isfahan University of Arts

2 Associate Professor, University of Tehran

3 Assistant Professor, Isfahan University of Arts

4 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts, Neishabour University


The structure and form of any paintings, in addition to reflecting the inner spirit of the artist, can be influenced by environmental factors, which are sometimes associated with social factors or swayed by political events of the time. In light of the changes in the structure of modern Iranian painting in 1968-2011 period, the question that arises is “What environmental factors have affected the structure and diverse trends of modern Iranian painters?” It appears that variables such as social, political and cultural events as well as the pace of communication developments have a huge bearing on structural changes in modern Iranian paintings in each decade. Therefore, this study aims to explore environmental-cultural variables along with the structure of works in each decade. The results of this descriptive-analytical research suggest that environmental factors could be spilt into two general categories of internal and external factors. The internal factors encompass social and cultural changes in each period such as the Islamic Revolution and the Cultural Revolution movement, art festivals and journals, IT expansion, the opening and development of art galleries, the increasing passion of young people for art and the proliferation of schools and external factors. It also embraces the relatively strong presence of Iranian artists in international festivals, the sale of Iranian works of art in global markets, the invitation of foreign artists, and trips of Iranian artists abroad. Overall, it seems that the transformation of the Iranian painting structure in this period has already been influenced by new approaches to art in the West.


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