Culture of Honoring the Emigrating and Traveling Scientists in Islamic Cities (Before the Mongol Invasion)

Document Type : Research Article



The Muslims who, in the early centuries of A.H. and before the Mongol domination over the Islamic land, possessed a vast part of the world’s prosperous and residential regions, constructed many cities and in light of Islamic teachings, held a premium culture and civilization, whose eminent feature was its Islamization, which was matchless in its own time. One of the manifestations of this precious culture and the main pillar of Islamic civilization is its consideration of knowledge and science followed by honoring the scientists.
Many Muslim scientists were constantly traveling and emigrating from city to city in such a wide expanse. With a historico-analytical approach and presentation of examples of historical reports of the Muslim historian, this article, while referring to their goal and motivation of the scientists’ travels, intends to show that honoring the emigrating and travelling scientists resulting from religious teachings, as a part of Islamic culture, was institutionalized with the Muslims and formed the procedure of their encounter with the emigrating scientists.
