Jabartī, his Historiography and Historical Insight

Document Type : Research Article


Ferdwsi University of Mashhad


’Abd al-Raḥmān Jabartī got involved in writing Egypt’s incidents at a time when this country was about to enter developments due to which the traditional features of Egypt would undergo some transformations. The transformative trends were originated from the fact that since nineteenth century new European thoughts in various cases, including historiography, which Jabartī had been witnessing since the early two decades of nineteenth century, permeated into Egypt. Although Jabartī had witnessed this new trend and has been the first Muslim who has reported the political and economic aggressions of the Europeans against the Muslim world, he has undertaken to write Egypt’s incidents in a traditional method. Nevertheless, he has sometimes retracted from this method by exerting a critical approach and praising the rational conducts of the non-Muslims and
others, in such a way that his historical work can be considered as a passage between the Islamic traditional historiography and the emergence of the modern historiography. What has made Jabartī’s historiography more significant is that he has not been influenced by the power-wielders and has undertaken to write history independently and out of his love of homeland, although his love for his homeland has not prevented him from his realism. Similarly, Jabartī’s reports have not been focused on the rulers; rather, he has mainly taken into consideration the people’s circumstances. The present article undertakes to study Jabartī’s method of historiography and historical insight.


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