A Look at the Life and Literary Legacy of Nāṭiq Nīlī, 13th Century A.H./19th Century A.D. Afghan Poet

Document Type : Promotional article


1 MA Student, Persian Language and Literature, Yazd University

2 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Yazd University


Sayyid Riżā Mūsavī, better known as Nāṭiq Nīlī, is one of the unknown poets of the 13th century A.H./19th century A.D. in Afghanistan. He was born in A.H. 1228/A.D. 1813 in the Dāykundī province. Two works remain from this gifted poet: Shikarbāgh, and Ṭūfānal-Muṣība. Not only the two books introduce parts of Afghanistan’s literary and cultural values to the new generation, but also, they generally of assert considerable importance in the field of Persian language, because they can be used in Iranian cultural studies as a reliable record.
The study applies the analytical-descriptive method and attempts to explore the literary and cultural legacy of this poet-critic. The study also offers insight into the characteristics of Nīlī’s life and works for fellow Persian speakers in the Islamic Republic, in hopes of strengthening the bonds between two nations sharing the same language and literature. 


Main Subjects

Mūsavī, Sayyid Riżā bakhsh(Nāṭiq Nīlī). Nuskhih-yi Khaṭṭī Ṭūfān al-Muṣībah, Mutiʿaliq bi Sadih-yi Sīzdah, Kitābkhānih  Shakhsī, 1870/1287.
Mūsavī, Sayyid Riżā bakhsh(Nāṭiq Nīlī). Shikar Bāgh. ed. Sayyid ʿIvaż ʻAlī Kāẓimī. Kābul: Intishārāt-i Bayhaqī Vizārat-i Iṭilāʻāt va Farhang, 2018/1397.
Shafīʿī Kadkanī, Muḥammad Riżā. Advār-i Shiʿr-i Fārsī. Tehran: Sūkhan, 2008/1387.
Yazdānī, Kāẓim. Farzandān-i Kūhsārān. Kābul: Saʿīd, 2007/1386.