The Role of Translation in Introducing the Discourse of Modernity to Iran: A Case Study: Talibov's Works

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD student in English, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Professor of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


The intellectuals of the Constitutional era, along with other strata of the society, have played a vital role in transmitting and promoting the concepts of Western modernity to Iranian society. This mission was partially accomplished through the translation of Western works. The characteristics of Iranian modernity, the efforts of Iranian intellectuals in the Constitutional era to bring the discourse of modernity to Iran and the importance of translation in this regard have been the subject of many studies, particularly in the field of comparative literature. Given the paucity of research on this subject in Translation Studies, the present study was conducted to bridge this gap and explore the awareness-raising function of translation as well as the nexus between intellectual discourse and translation in this period. In this library research, the seminal works of Talibov Tabrizi are examined within the framework of postcolonial studies by adopting a text analysis approach in order to shed light on his role in conveying the components of the modernity discourse to Iran. It is because the intellectual discourse in the Constitutional era characterizes a discourse that arises from the translation and cultural translation of modernity.


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