Can I submit my manuscript by any other means rather than using the journal website?

No. Manuscripts should only be submitted via the journal’s website. Manuscripts sent via email will not be further processed.

Does the journal charge any fee for screening and publishing articles?

In accordance with the regulations issued by the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology, the journal does not charge any fee for screening the manuscripts. For manuscripts that are accepted after review, authors should pay the following editing and publishing charges:

Research article: 6/000/000 IRR

Promotional article: 3/500/000 IRR

Review article and book review: 1/500/000 IRR

What should I do if I forget my username and password?

Click on the login option at the top left of the screen.
Then I forgot the password to the system! click. You will be asked for your email address.
You will then receive an email authorizing you to change your password.