Social Developments in Kashan’s Jewish Community during Qajar Period

Document Type : Research Article



Contrary to other Jewish communities of Iran, Kashan’s Jewish community has undergone positive social and political developments during Qajar period. Although they could never enjoy equal social privileges as citizens, in comparison to other Iranian Jews and comparing the Safavid period, they made considerable achievements in social relationships and political experience. The present research first addresses the Jewish population in this period and the reasons for their reduction in comparison to the Safavid period, and then goes on to show how economical transactions with Muslims, establishment of Alliance School, widespread position-taking against Bahā’ism, and the presence of elite rulers and intellectual scholars in this period have helped improve their social condition and relationships. Besides written historical reports, oral sources have also been employed in this research.
Keywords: Kashan, Jews, Bahā’ism, constitutionality, Kashan Alliance School.